Roseline Bonheur Photography

My Work and My Life


Fais-moi confiance

C'est tellement vrai!
Merci pour ce banc de sable en eau profonde!
Dieu est bon!




Sorry I just wanted to share...
Without going into details and not pointing at anybody cuz it goes for me too!
Funny how from your perspective I have a problem and that's why you pray for me. But maybe you should look at it from my perspective and see that we should all change our ways.
That's why I
Focus on people that matter and care!
Life or should I say God is teaching me a lot lately, those lessons are hard but good for my growth.
So I'm slowly changing in that better me that God wants me to be.
I'm not perfect but I'm in the run for it, with or without you.
So Thank you for your prayers but don't blame me for being different if being different is to be closer to God.

Anyways, I'll stop here else it will become personal.
I love you all just don't want to be a product of your needs when it pleases you.

Again, Thanks for the prayers, they're all more then welcome!

