Roseline Bonheur Photography

My Work and My Life


LA day two

 Happy Canada Day!


Day 2, I think we were tired last night, lol!
We woke up late, watched "the hair show" with Chris Rock then went for breakfast/brunch at Denny's.

Thank you Lord for Denny's! The food was good and we were good till 5pm!
Is it me are everyone's a singer in that town?!

Then we went to the Korea Plaza. Let me tell you something, they took over the city!

They're all over the map. I personally needed to get out of there.
This girl, oh boboye, I said excuse-me 3 times, she totally ignore me...

What ever, she was probably deaf.
I guess we are different...

So we took the bus and went on Hollywood bl to walk the walk of fame.
We took a few pictures, went for a happy hour: mango margarita and beef tostada...
In that side of the city, there's some brothers and they are polite!
We got a few:" Hi ladies!" that's right! Lol!
Then up to a tour to see the celebrities houses in Hollywood, Beverly Hill and Bel Air.
Just like Fresh Prince said: "Celebrities Houses at Night!" lol!
Except that it was daytime! We didn't see anyone famous... booooo... lol!

Now to be honest I don't remember all the houses that we saw... MJ, Christina Aguilera, Madonna, Colombo, the guy from the office, The Play Boy mansion, Tom Cruise, The Hills (the show) and so many more.
Those houses, mansions and condo are worth $$$$$$$$$$,$$ millions of dollars $$$$$.
Wow! So were did we go wrong?!
No I don't want and need a big house but I wouldn't mind the money!

Over all we had a great time for a second day.
We met a few nice people with whom we laugh and other we had a smile connection! Lol!

So we’re back at the hotel, it’s almost 11pm LA time. We are tired!
So lets call it a day!
Peace, we're out!



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