Roseline Bonheur Photography

My Work and My Life



So close to the end, can't wait to be in vacation and rest a bit.
I wish I could buy a flight ticket and fly away to one of those fabulous island.

Any how, it's not the case so I'll make sure I enjoy every day of my next few days off.
In the meanwhile, here's the picture of 3 beautiful sunshine in Jamaica having fun.
"Because that's how we do the do!"

I'll put more Jamaica pictures on my blog soon.

Good night



Pregnant and Beautiful



business card

Here's my new business card coming your way.


Speak Out

Its objective is to aid the victims of domestic violence by first providing them with shelter, then providing them with counseling in an effort to help them to end the cycle of violence that they have been a part of.

Victims of Domestic Violence are often silent, not wanting to come forward for fear of retribution and because their abuser have made them feel that they are worthless.

Speak out
This is to encourage victims to speak out and have their voice heard.
Thanks to all for you who have help me with my assignment.



AS3 Final Exam

Well here you go my final exam in the studio.
Everything went well, I don't have my mark yet but I'm pretty confident.
Still have 3 more assignments to work on.

Good night




The assignment was to respect the layout and show our technical skill.
Guess what, I got 95% for that salad.
But, that doesn't make me a food photographer.
It was a very painful assignment and I'm glad it over.
